My Blog
Your Beliefs Are Your Reality – 34
The real world doesn’t exist. It is your beliefs that make your reality. The real world has an infinite number of interpretations and it is your perception and interpretation of the world that will become reality for you. The same man can be a saviour for some and a...
Rejection and Failure Are Simply Opportunities to Learn – 33
In my teenager years, since I was 12 until I was 19, I played competitive chess. At the beginning, when I lost a game in a tournament, I used to cry. By the time I was 18, when I lost a game I would smile and congratulate my opponent. What made the difference? In...
No One is Better Than You, You’re Better Than No One – 32
According to the legal equality principle, we should all be treated equally by the law. But do you treat yourself as an equal to others? Do you truly feel that you are no better and no worse than other people? Do you enjoy emotional equality? Watching how my...
Do Not Impress, Connect – 31
We live in a world of appearances. We also live in a world crowded with lonely people. This is not a coincidence; they are cause and effect. The more we want to appear successful, smart, and special to others, the more we need to put a façade to cover our fears,...
Dealing with Emotional Crises – 30
Emotional crises can happen at any time in our personal lives or at work. Divorce, not getting a promotion, failing at something such as a business, and so on. Life will throw at us several of these and they are great opportunities to learn, but our emotions can reach...
That Inner Voice That Spoils the Present – 29
Ten years ago, I heard the story of a neighbour who used to be married to a guy and divorced him because her mother told her to. Then she married another man, had two daughters, a house, and was living a normal family life. What surprised me about her story is that...