In 1976 three men kidnapped a school bus with 26 children and the driver, and buried them alive in a quarry with some food and water. This is known as the Chowchilla kidnapping. They were planning to ask for ransom. Luckily, 16 hours later one of the kids with the help of the driver managed to open an exit and everyone escaped. None of the children were harmed, so it seemed like a happy ending for this traumatic experience. However, all of the kids had problems later on in life as adults, except the kid that managed to create the opening. A traumatic experience can have long lasting consequences, unless it is dealt with appropriately.

Our guest David Sullivan told this story in Episode 31 of Beautiful Ghosts to illustrate the importance of dealing with trauma, whether it is physical or emotional (listen in your favourite podcast app, YouTube, or website). We discussed what trauma is, who suffers trauma, and how to deal with it.

What is Trauma?

David defined trauma as an overwhelming experience from which we cannot negotiate our way out by ourselves. Of particular importance is our response to the traumatic experience. If we are aware and actively trying to deal with it, this is an experience that is still not traumatic. For example, I have been suffering pain in my knees due to tendinitis for almost a year. But given that I’m aware and still trying things, David didn’t feel this was traumatic for me (I’m pleased to hear that!).

According to David, it is when we almost give up and go into a lethargic mode that the experience is more traumatic and may have psychological effects later on. That is why perhaps the kid that was most active in opening the exit in the Chowchilla kidnapping case is the one that did not suffer psychological effects later on as an adult.

Although going into lethargic mode may be the best response in certain situations, it is a survival mechanism, what the Chowchilla event brought to light is that an intervention was necessary to make sure that the children dealt with the experience and did not suffer psychological consequences.

Who Suffers Trauma?

Unfortunately, everyone suffers a traumatic event at some point in their lives, whether we are aware or not. Sometimes we may be aware that a trauma happened, but may not be aware that the effects are still having an effect on us now.

Mariana had a traumatic event in her 20’s and thought she had dealt with it and healed from it. It was many years later that she realised she had not, and needed help to heal from that experience. Although she was aware of the trauma, she wasn’t aware of the effects the traumatic event was having in her life many years later.

Dealing with Trauma

David highlighted that to deal with traumatic experiences we need to seek help from other people. In fact, the Chowchilla kidnapping led to changes in how victims of those experiences are treated. While in those times there was no intervention, nowadays victims have support from counsellors and therapists to prevent the victims suffering from post-traumatic disorder.

That person can be a therapist, counsellor, or friend. What is important is to seek help. As David highlighted, trauma can make us feel that we are alone. But we are pack animals and that support from someone else is invaluable. We are not alone.

The problem is that sometimes we don’t realise we need help, as we are not aware of the trauma and/or the consequences.

That’s where Tara Brach’s acronym RAIN can help:

  • R: recognise what is happening, that there was an event that was traumatic and that there may be consequences.
  • A: accept the experience, it happened so allow it to exist.
  • I: investigate how you feel about it, not in your head but more in your body.
  • N: nurture with self-compassion and through a connection to someone else that provides acceptance, understanding, and care.

The Positive Side of Trauma

Trauma doesn’t have to result in long-term negative effects. If we deal with the trauma and heal, it may become a life lesson that helps us in the future. Turning a traumatic experience into a life lesson depends on how we deal with the trauma and its effects. As David emphasised, one of the most important aspects is to have support from other people. When dealing with trauma, sing like The Beatles “Help, I need somebody!”.

Make an impact,


If you would like to learn more about David Sullivan and the Feldenkrais method go to

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This post was originally published in Beautiful Ghosts.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay